“Kindergarten is a year of many firsts. For some, it is your child’s first year in school, their first time learning how to read, or a first chance to make new friends. We are excited to have the opportunity to guide your child through many of their ‘first’ experiences here at Gullett. We’re sure we are going to have a fantastic year!”
— The Gullett Kindergarten Team
I received my teaching certification from Texas State University 12 years ago. I taught 2nd grade my first year and have been teaching Kindergarten for the past 11 years. I was at Pleasant Hill Elementary for 9 years, Pease Elementary for 2 years and started at Gullett this past August.
Teaching was not my first career. I worked in the Interior Design field for 20 years and when age 40 rolled around I went back to college to find my calling. It was a bold move but the best decision I have ever made.
My husband Bill and I have been married 10 years with no children. We have plenty of nieces of nephews to keep us busy with family activities. We enjoy traveling, hiking, and gardening. My parents, both retired, live in Austin as well. Family and teaching is my life!